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This is the first of a series of Fae and Divine Feminine day and weekend retreats that Away with the Fae is running. These will begin with Imbolc and complete with Winter Solstice. Nature Priestess, Elemental Medium and Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner Cheryl leads you on a magical journey to honour the quickenings of Nature at Imbolc. We will spend a sacred day in meditations, attunements to seasonal flowers, crystals and planting our seeds of intentions. We will receive Theta clearings, downloads also in order to clear our Earth star chakra in order to ensure we start the year grounded and rooted in to nature in order that we can truly go and create our dreams and visions with the Elementals, Brigid & the Maiden Goddess. There will be beautiful crafting as well as candlelit tales of Brigid and Nature connections for this time of year. This is a fun packed day that will truly honour this season and our visions for the future. This is an event not to be missed and is for anyone who loves magic, nature, ceremony, the old ways and who would like to receive sacred attunements to the seasonally linked crystals, Goddesses and flowers and learn about the ways of working with this sacred ceremony. A full itinerary is available on request. I am so excited to present this day and all the magic it contains! The energy exchange for this exquisite day's workshop is £65.

  • Date:05/02/2023 04:00 PM - 05/02/2023 10:00 PM
  • Location Online Event


Please note that the event is also being run in person from 10am-4pm.  Materials for crafting will be included in the in person event which is priced at £75.  Please contact for further information regarding the in person event.