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Let's celebrate together the awakening of the Earth and the Springing of the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere. We will honour the Equinox by bringing balance back into all of our bodies, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. We will do this with a mixture of essence imbibing and Theta healing and downloads and by connecting with the awakening Nature all around us. We will journey with seasonal flowers and trees and we will align with these. We will journey out in the ancient woodland nearby and we will connect with the Dragons and the leylines. We will connect with the Goddesses and deities of this celebrations and learn the history and traditions. There will be options to make traditional crafts should you so wish. This will be a joy-filled celebration.

  • Date:24/03/2024 10:00 AM - 24/03/2024 04:00 PM
  • Location TBA (Map)